Sunday, January 11, 2015

Dancing in the Rain

There has been a storm going on since Christmas and the goal is to stop praise! So, guess I will be dancing in the rain!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

I will always Worship You!

Dancing with Streamer fans! The most beautiful added effect to any Praise Dance!

Mary Don't You Weep

We may weep and we may mourn but Joy comes in the morning!

Be Blessed!

I have been Blessed in every way and each and everyday since I began to dance for the Lord! Our praise delights the Lord and He never fails to Bless!

Are You Ready for a Miracle

Miracles do still happen!!My journey in praise dance is a bit of a miracle as my mind set was not initially dancing to praise God. Someone asked if I had a talent that I could use for God and my reply was "Nope!" ......but God said differently! I thank Him for that Miracle!

Performance vs Ministry

                                     3 Ways to Handle the Stress of this Situation!

1. Strengthen your relationship with Christ and encourage those you lead to do the same- this is done through daily prayer, devotions, and reading the bible. When those who are in ministry are filled with His joy and love the end result of praise will reflect it. Pray for leadership and those you will minister to as well.
2. Self-reflect to ensure that nothing done or worn while ministering would offend the Lord. Ensure that all things are God honoring (not self honoring) and done with excellence!
3. Do not take scrutiny personal! You are not responsible for the hearts of those who view your ministry, so do not attempt to impress them. People tend to like certain forms of praise or music and will be very critical if worship is not catered to their personal preference. As leaders we are not responsible for the hearts of those who spectate! Our duty, purpose and call is to honor the Lord and prayerfully some maybe be ushered into His presence through our praise. If we fail to usher others into His presence because we did not perform but we praised.....God is still present, we still honored Him and that is our Purpose!

Monday, December 8, 2014